The school is located along Bagamoyo road in Mapinga village, Bagamoyo district about 25 km from Bagamoyo town and 40 km from Dar es salaam. It is also about 1 km from Mpiji bridge which is closer to Bunju village in Dar es Salaam.


The school is registered by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology on 2/5/2019 with registration number EM 17904.
The school Category is, English Medium, Day and Boarding enrolling both girls and boys.


For Pre School, a pupil is enrolled at the age between 3 years and 5 years old.
For Primary School (Grade One), the pupils are enrolled from 5 years old up to 7 years.
Both Pre and Primary school pupils must pass an interview at 50% or above to be registered.
Pupils who want to join the school from other schools are also accepted after passing an interview at the same conditions of pass mark.


The school offers a high quality education due to availability of conducive infrastructures such as buildings (classrooms, computer rooms, library, dining Hall), adequate, committed and qualified personnel (teachers and non teaching staff) and curriculum facilities. Pupils get breakfast and a suitable, well balanced lunch during school hours. Immediately after the completion of registration procedures, the pupils are given stationeries and uniforms.


The school has two terms:

  • The First term begins from January to June with a one week break in mid March.
  • The Second term begins from July to December with a one week break in mid September.


The school has enough sports grounds and sports gear and trainers for pupils to play and learn as an important aspect of their life. Friday is a special day for sports and other extra curriculum activities like debates, clubs etc.


The school has school buses for day scholars, therefore a parent is free to use school buses or bring the child by him/herself. The school bus’ fees depend on the distance between the child’s home and the school. Currently, the farthest places where the school buses reach are: Zinga, Kiembeni, Tegeta kwa Ndevu, Kunduchi, Vikawe and Mbweni.


School Manager: 0659 984 444
Head Teacher: 0659 984 443
Academic officer: 0659 984 448
E-mails: headteacher@baobab.ac.tz | assistantmanagerprimary@baoab.ac.tz